Go Walking

Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."
No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:
  • Trade your power mower for a push version.
  • Park your car at the back of the lot.
  • Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.
  • Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.
  • Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
  • Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
  • Take the stairs every chance you get.
  • Sign up for charity walks.
  • Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.
It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

Hasta la pasta, baby

Hasta la pasta, baby. Just like her cousin ordinary white bread, refined pasta can disrupt your plans for weight loss and harm your health. It is not necessary to quit eating pasta for all the times, but this is what you should do: look for pasta with whole wheat grains (Hodgson Mills, Eden, DeBoles, Whole Foods 365 and Vita Spelt.). It is a wheat pasta, which is the ultimate replacement for all the pasta you've ever eaten. Maybe it has no attractive look like ordinary white pasta but it is certainly healthier and easier to lose weight if you eat whole grain pasta instead of regular pasta. Enjoy your pasta meal :)
@how to lose weight @ https://www.facebook.com/loseweightinamoment


Do not compare yourself with others. Every body is slightly different. And it stems from the facts that everybody will lose weight differently. Even if you and completely follow someone's advice, you will not lose the same number of pounds. The key is in finding your own recipe. Define the target, keep it in sight all the time and do not give up until you reach it. If you start looking other people's habits, you'll just get discouraged. Work on weight loss alone and you will soon realize that you are unique and you can really do whatever you want. And even lose weight. No matter how hard it seems, everything is possible. Good luck :)
@how to lose weight

Change your habits

Definitely you need to change the way of life. If this change you make call a "diet", trust me you'll soon get all the weight back even if you manage to lose weight a little. Diets basically do not work and they are a temporary solution. When you change your eating habits you are on the right way to get you the desired goal - losing and maintaining weight.
@how to lose weight

Do not eat less than 1200 calories daily

Do not eat too little because it will backfire. Never take daily less than 1200 calories, as this will slow down your metabolism and long-term goal - reducing the weight will be absent. Remember - it is not good to eat too little.
@how to lose weight

Plan your your meals ahead

Make sure to plan in advance the exact time of taking and preparing your meals. This way you will avoid the danger of taking an unhealthy meal if your healthy meal will not be ready when you will become hungry .
@how to lose weight

Lose today, keep tomorrow

You must learn to be patient. Learning patience is not easy and painless, but believe me that maintaining weight is a struggle that becomes easier as time passes.

According to a study published in the The survey on obesity, where researchers found that people who lost more than 10 pounds and have managed to maintain the desired weight for more than two years, that the weight maintenance required less effort as time passed.

So if you want to achieve long-term results of successful "losers" be patient, improve self-esteem, improve your mood and it will be easier to succeed in the plan. Only in this way you will be able successfully reach that so much desired goal (at the same time almost painless) - successful weight loss.

@ how to lose weight

Eat breakfast every day

Eat breakfast every day!

Eating breakfast is a common habit to all those who lost weight and managed to maintain a desirable weight. Many people mistakenly think that they will be deprived of some calories if they do not eat breakfast, but it only leads to excessive eating during lunch. It has been shown that slimmer people do not skip the first meal of the day, and also show better performance in school or at work. Suggestion: Try wholemeal cereal with chopped fruit and low fat yogurt to start the day. Do not skip breakfast, do not underestimate its benefits.

@how to lose weight

Kiss your partner

Passionately kiss your partner 10 times a day. According to the 1991 Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex, a passionate kiss burns 6.4 calories per minute. Ten minutes a day of kissing equates to about 23,000 calories—or eight pounds—a year!
@how to lose weight

Go to sauna

Go to a sauna. Saunas may result in a loss of a pint of sweat in just a quarter of an hour.
  • You should hydrate by drinking a few glasses of water after spending time in a sauna to reduce the risk of dehydration.
  • Keep in mind that time in saunas must be limited, preferably to no more than one 15- to 20-minute session per day.
  • People with blood pressure or heart problems should not use saunas, nor should young children.
 @how to lose weight

Ignore fast food

Ignore Ronald McDonald. You don’t have to eliminate fast food completely, but you should avoid it at all costs. Most of it is nasty, bad stuff anyway – if you’d even go as far as to call it food. If you’re looking for convenience, find a more convenient meal source. Besides, most of what they serve would be considered “food product,” not food. There’s a gigantic difference as far as your body is concerned. Your bloodstream does not have taste buds, need I remind you? 
@how to lose weight

Don’t compare yourself to others

Don’t compare yourself to others. Every body is different. It stands to reason that everybody will lose weight differently. Even if you do the exact same things that I do, you won’t lose weight at the same rate. The key is in finding your triggers. Keep your goal in sight, and do whatever you have to do to meet that goal. When you start looking at someone else’s habits, you’re only going to become discouraged and quit without even realizing that it’s physically impossible to be anybody but yourself. 
@lose weight in a moment

Set realistic goals

Set realistic goals. You can lose 50 pounds in a week if you work out 12 hours a day and eat nothing but celery – but not if you’re human. Slow and steady wins the race. Don’t bite off more than you can chew – literally. Make small goals on your way to the bigger goal(s). In the end, you’ll have achieved more (and more frequently, might I add). 
@lose weight in a moment

Go public

Go public. I didn’t want to admit that I had screwed up, but admitting the problem in public was the first step on the path to eventual success. I was now accountable for my actions, and all my friends knew what I was doing. There was no turning back, otherwise I’d be risk damaging my integrity. I didn’t want to disappoint the people who read me on a regular (or semi-regular) basis. Plus, it’s an easy way to find out which of your friends have gone through the process before – and glean tips from their own experiences. Then, other friends might become inspired to do the same thing you’re doing once they see that you’ve taken the first step. 
@lose weight in a moment

Dukan diet

Dukan diet

The Dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate (carb), high-protein diet. There’s no limit to how much you can eat during the plan’s four phases, providing you stick to the rules of the plan. During phase one, you’re on a strict lean protein diet. This is based on a list of 72 reasonably low-fat protein-rich foods, such as chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and fat-free dairy. This is for an average of five days to achieve quick weight loss. Carbs are off limits except for a small amount of oat bran. Unlike the Atkins diet, Dukan’s phase one bans vegetables and seriously restricts fat. The next three phases of the plan see the gradual introduction of some fruit, veg and carbs and eventually all foods. The aim is gradual weight loss of up to 2lb a week and to promote long-term weight management. There’s no time limit to the final phase, which involves having a protein-only day once a week and taking regular exercise.
You can lose weight very quickly, which can be motivating. It’s a very strict and prescriptive diet and some people like that. It’s easy to follow. You don’t need to weigh food or count calories. Apart from keeping to low-fat, low-salt and high-protein foods, there’s no restriction on how much you can eat during your first two weeks.

At the start of the diet you may experience side effects such as bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia and nausea from cutting out carbs. The lack of wholegrains, fruit and veg in the early stages of the diet could cause problems such as constipation.

BDA verdict:
Rapid weight loss can be motivating but it is unsustainable and unhealthy. The Dukan diet isn’t nutritionally balanced, which is acknowledged by the fact that you need a vitamin supplement and a fibre top up in the form of oat bran. There’s a danger this type of diet could increase your risk of long-term health problems if you don’t stick to the rules. The diet lacks variety in the initial phases so there’s a risk you’ll get bored quickly and give up.

 @lose weight in a moment

Change lifestyle, not short-term diet

Think lifestyle change, not short-term diet. Permanent weight loss is not something that a “quick-fix” diet can achieve. Instead, think about weight loss as a permanent lifestyle change—a commitment to your health for life. Various popular diets can help jumpstart your weight loss, but permanent changes in your lifestyle and food choices are what will work in the long run.

5 Tibetan Rites

5 simple techniques, 20 minutes a day is all it takes for a youthful, energetic you. Practice the 5 Tibetan Rites alongside Raageshwari in this and feel the difference.
@lose weight in a moment

Bring the color blue into your life more often. There’s a good reason you won’t see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: Believe it or not, the color blue functions as an appetite suppressant. So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating.
@lose weight in a moment

Eat small meals instead of large ones

Eat five or six small meals or snacks a day instead of three large meals. A 1999 South African study found that when men ate parts of their morning meal at intervals over five hours, they consumed almost 30 percent fewer calories at lunch than when they ate a single breakfast. Other studies show that even if you eat the same number of calories distributed this way, your body releases less insulin, which keeps blood sugar steady and helps control hunger.
@Lose your weight in a moment

Make water your primary drink

After breakfast, make water your primary drink. At breakfast, go ahead and drink orange juice. But throughout the rest of the day, focus on water instead of juice or soda. The average American consumes an extra 245 calories a day from soft drinks. That’s nearly 90,000 calories a year — or 25 pounds! And research shows that despite the calories, sugary drinks don’t trigger a sense of fullness the way that food does.

Go walking

Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."
No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:
  • Trade your power mower for a push version.
  • Park your car at the back of the lot.
  • Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.
  • Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.
  • Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
  • Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
  • Take the stairs every chance you get.
  • Sign up for charity walks.
  • Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.
It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

Add, Don't Subtract

Add, Don't Subtract

Forget diet denial: Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.
Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces.
"Adding in really works, taking away never does," says registered dietitian David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to keep an eye on overall calories. And don't forget to add in something physical, too, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, shooting hoops, or taking a quick stroll.
3 Day Diet

The 3 Day Diet touts quick weight loss, cleansing, lower cholesterol, and more energy.
It's a strict plan that must be followed exactly for three days. If you still want to lose more weight, you're supposed to eat normally for at least four or five days before starting over.
The 3 Day Diet promises up to 10 pounds of weight loss in three days. But most of that weight is likely to be fluid, not fat, so the results aren't likely to last.

What You Can Eat

The 3 Day Diet is very specific about portion size and the foods it includes.
The combination of the suggested foods supposedly creates a unique metabolic reaction that boosts fat burning. But there is no explanation of how that happens or proof that backs up those claims.
The plan also calls for dieters to drink 4 cups of water or no-calorie drinks daily.

Experts' Views

You're likely to lose weight on this plan, but it's not likely to last.
The calories are very low, notes Cindy Moore, former director of nutrition therapy at The Cleveland Clinic (which is not associated with the diet).
"The plan yields about 1,000 calories a day, which has the ability to lower metabolism so when you revert back to normal eating, you regain weight even quicker," Moore says.
The diet is also monotonous and doesn't help you build better eating habits for the long run. "What good is it to go back to the old habits that caused the weight gain, without resolving weight issues?" Moore says. "Hands down, the 3 Day Diet is not conducive to changing habits or encouraging a healthier lifestyle, which are fundamental to weight control."
Bottom line: Choose a well-balanced weight loss plan that controls calories every day, includes exercise, and lets you enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods. To lose weight and keep it off, it is simply not enough to eat a prescribed diet for three days without addressing eating habits that cause weight gain.
Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, is director of nutrition for WebMD. Her opinions and conclusions are her own.

Turn off the TV

Dining while viewing can make you take in 40 percent more calories than usual, reports a new study. And texting, driving, or any other distracting activity during a meal can also result in your eating too much. Instead, make each meal something you put on a plate and sit down to, even if you're eating solo.

Drink plenty of water


Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need.

"If you don't like plain water, try adding citrus or a splash of juice, or brew infused teas like mango or peach, which have lots of flavor but no calories," says Cynthia Sass, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Lose your weight with Focus T25

Did you know that all you need is 25 minutes a day...to get in the best shape of your life?That's right. I experimented for the last year to design a program that delivers the same kind of results you'd expect from an hour-long program, in under 30 minutes. I've pulled out the rest to give you everything you need and nothing you don't. There isn't a more efficient workout around.The result is FOCUS T25—and the name implies the intent: If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it 5 days a week, you WILL get results. 
—Shaun T

Keep your own personal food diary

Keep your own personal food diary. People who keep food diaries, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an average of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't keep a record of everything that they eat. So force yourself to write down the good, the bad and the ugly. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Be exhaustive. Write it all down, including beverages. Don't pretend you didn't have that extra glass of wine after dinner. If it goes into your stomach, it goes into the journal.
  • Be accurate. Record your portion sizes in your food diary. Also, read the ingredients list so that you can be accurate about serving sizes.
  • Be complete. Add detailed information about how your food was prepared (fried, boiled, grilled, etc.), and write down any added toppings or condiments that you ate.
  • Be consistent. Carry your food journal everywhere that you go. As an alternative, you can use a diet-tracking app on your smartphone or tablet.

How to lose weight - tips

If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.
If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more.

For instance, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds. It's very important not to cut calories any further -- that's dangerous.

Limiting salt and starches may also mean losing more weight at first -- but that's mostly fluids, not fat.
"When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started.

Snack, but smartly

Grazing between meals used to be on the weight-loss hit list. But nutritionists now know that it's better to satisfy a craving with healthy grub than ignore it and risk a junk-food binge later. The best picks are filling, protein-packed snacks, such as one stick of string cheese, a tablespoon of peanut butter on a piece of fruit, or a medium-size bowl of edamame.