Hasta la pasta, baby

Hasta la pasta, baby. Just like her cousin ordinary white bread, refined pasta can disrupt your plans for weight loss and harm your health. It is not necessary to quit eating pasta for all the times, but this is what you should do: look for pasta with whole wheat grains (Hodgson Mills, Eden, DeBoles, Whole Foods 365 and Vita Spelt.). It is a wheat pasta, which is the ultimate replacement for all the pasta you've ever eaten. Maybe it has no attractive look like ordinary white pasta but it is certainly healthier and easier to lose weight if you eat whole grain pasta instead of regular pasta. Enjoy your pasta meal :)
@how to lose weight @ https://www.facebook.com/loseweightinamoment


Do not compare yourself with others. Every body is slightly different. And it stems from the facts that everybody will lose weight differently. Even if you and completely follow someone's advice, you will not lose the same number of pounds. The key is in finding your own recipe. Define the target, keep it in sight all the time and do not give up until you reach it. If you start looking other people's habits, you'll just get discouraged. Work on weight loss alone and you will soon realize that you are unique and you can really do whatever you want. And even lose weight. No matter how hard it seems, everything is possible. Good luck :)
@how to lose weight